2016年6月17日 星期五

The different kinds of (Mozilla) community spaces and it’s pathway

This is part of the result we found from the “How might we (re)invent existing and future MozSpace to run innivation experiments”, which we address different kinds of community space at the community space session on Mozilla AllHands 2016 in London.

(see original draft poster from our discussion)

The characteristic

There are different types of spaces with various characteristic, eg.

  • # of core contributors
  • scale of community
  • # of non-Mozilla communities involved
  • meeting / event frequency
  • density of the region / distence of the contributors (transit difficulties)
  • resource invest from Mozilla and community

Different type of spaces

Following is the space various in different type that we found in our expereinces and in different region, it may be a of community space (and probably also same for the community meeting).

Temporary (in time & venue) spaces

  • Online space (forum / IM / IRC channels)
  • Kitchen (or school) table
  • Meet in coffee house
  • Hackathon & sprint in private apartment / meeting venue
  • Partnership with co-working space (eg., The Hub)
  • Cooperating / supporting existing hackerspace / makerspace

Physically communtiy space

  • Mozilla Community Spaces, eg., Taipei, Manila & Jakarta
  • Space inside Mozilla office

Online space (forum / IM / IRC channels)

It was begin when some people who is interesting in promoting Mozilla and it’s various products gathering and meet online.

  • # of core contributors - 2~20
  • scale of community - 5~150
  • there will be much harder more then this numbers
  • # of non-Mozilla communities involved - 0
  • meeting / event frequency - variously
  • distence of the contributors - withing country / same languages area
  • resource invest from Mozilla and community - minimin

Kitchen (or school) Table

Some people may want to meet face-by-face hacking / discussing frequenly

  • # of core contributors - 2~3
  • scale of community - 2~5
  • # of non-Mozilla communities involved - 0
  • meeting / event frequency - various from weekly to monthly
  • distence of the contributors - closly, within city
  • resource invest from Mozilla and community - minimum

Meet in coffee house

If there are more contributors within in the city, they may able to meet weekly / bi-weekly / monthly and maybe more leisure with loose agenda ccording to the meeting frequency

  • # of core contributors - 5~10
  • scale of community - 5~30
  • # of non-Mozilla communities involved - some randemly
  • meeting / event frequency - weekly to monthly
  • density of the region / distence of the contributors - within city
  • resource invest from Mozilla and community - small, mainly a cup of coffee

Private apartment / meeting venue

When more contributors focus on some contirbuting regions, they will run some hackathon / design sprint periodically

  • # of core contributors - 5~15
  • scale of community - 10~100
  • # of non-Mozilla communities involved - 0
  • meeting / event frequency - quatyly / 6 months / yearly
  • density of the region / distence of the contributors - within country
  • resource invest from Mozilla and community - medium each time

Partnership with co-working space (eg., The Hub)

If there are some contributors or remoties work more frequenly and host more events, they may want to find a permanently / half-permanently space. We find that sometimes there are good cooperating and supporting from local co-working space.

  • # of core contributors - 3~10
  • scale of community - 20~
  • # of non-Mozilla communities involved - some
  • meeting / event frequency - daily, bi-daily, weekly
  • density of the region / distence of the contributors - within city
  • resource invest from Mozilla and community - small/medium monthly

Cooperating with existing hackerspace / makerspace

Similar to the above co-working space, there may be some hackerspace / makerspace already exist and in good align with Mozilla’s mission, the community may like to join or get involved the venue.

We should have some application procedure at this stage, for communities who is interesting in get into next stage of pathway.

  • # of core contributors - 3~10
  • scale of community - 20~
  • # of non-Mozilla communities involved - more then 2
  • meeting / event frequency - daily, bi-daily, weekly
  • density of the region / distence of the contributors - within city
  • resource invest from Mozilla and community - small/medium monthly

Physical Community Space

After all this stage, the community now has more people and frequenly events and many meetups, they may want to get their own community spaces in order to better hosting and contributing.

The most important thing in this stage is that besides benefit Mozilla community, we want to also help / support other communities within the region, in order to better using the resource, and they most probably also under their early stage of this pathway.

# of core contributors - 10~20 scale of community - 50~ # of non-Mozilla communities involved - 10 and more meeting / event frequency - daily, bi-daily density of the region / distence of the contributors - within city resource invest from Mozilla and community - large monthly

Space inside Mozilla office

If we have more and more remoties working at Mozilla during the growth of the Mozilla community, eventually we will set up a Mozilla office inside the area. It will be similar to the community spaces and have good community-staff relationship if we follow and grow alone the path.

  • # of core contributors - 20~35
  • scale of community - 100~
  • # of non-Mozilla communities involved - 10 and more
  • meeting / event frequency - daily, bi-daily
  • density of the region / distence of the contributors - within city / country
  • resource invest from Mozilla and community - large monthly

The pathway (aka. A River of Spaces)

Above different kinds of space is a typical pathway we found in different communities and in our community's 10+ years experience. We had pass all of those stage (besides the office one), and some other communities may currently in one of the earlier stage.

A River of Spaces

It’s like the flow of the river from upper reach to the ocean, we can imaging the flow as the size of the community / the resource / the reach and the impact. Different communities are not necessery follow the same pathway but it should be somehow similer.

Thanks all of the Mozilla Community Space stewards in the session, especially Henrik, Gaspar, Nikos, Yofie who is in this discussion.

