In the end of June, totally 7 Taiwan Mozillians (5 reps, 2 core contributors) flew to Hong Kong to host a Mozilla booth at HKOSCon 2015 (Hong Kong Open Source Conference). The following are 2 blog posts from Yao Wei and Ernest.
Mozilla Links 正體中文版: Showing off Firefox in HKOSCon 2015
Participating HKOSC 2015 — Medium
日前, 我與 Ernest、BobChao、Orin、RJ、魏藥、Peter 等共七位 MozTW 成員,一同前往香港開源年會,並擺設 Mozilla 攤位。關於活動的情形,歡迎閱讀以上魏藥及 Ernest 的直擊文章。
Here I will add some of my own experience & observation.
Booth 攤位
(TW Mozillians with Sammy Fung, Bob & Ernest is not in this photo)
(台灣成員與香港的 Sammy,Bob 與 Ernest 不在這張照片中)
Create big banners from FoxYeah stickers to demostrate, is indeed good try on our booth. We can take chance to sharing ideas with people on those topics of banner (security, customize...), and ask people to choose their favorite one to take photo, has really positive feedback.
將 FoxYeah 標語製作成大扛棒在攤位上展示,並讓人拿著最喜歡的標語拍照,是一個準備簡單,卻非常有笑點的小活動。不但容易吸引目光,也成為與參觀者的交流話題。
(We even got a "Gandi love Firefox" big thumb up from's Asia COO Thomas)
(我們甚至獲得了 Gandi 的 Asia COO Thomas 的「Gandi Love Firefox」認證)
Hong Kong local mozillians were basically all workers for HKOSCon, so we had to self-help on organize booth. Carry those Firefox OS devices and Firefox souvenir were not easy - the stickers are so-heavy. We had to separate them to everyone to carry in luggage when flight. Printer big stickers and make slogan banner on sight is good idea.
香港當地的 Mozillians 都是 HKOSCon 的主辦成員,我們只好自力救濟。要把這麼多展示品(包含近十台 Firefox OS 裝置、與各類 Firefox 紀念品)從台灣帶到香港,的確是蠻麻煩的一件事,貼紙卡片又重又多,要讓大家平均分攤裝行李箱托運。印貼紙跟買瓦楞版當場製作,又快效果又好。
We also got 21 filled contribute forms at the booth. Hope that we can get some more contributors at Hong Kong. (BTW, on our contribute form, we had various contributed area for people to choose their prefer, and most of people select multiple area. We should improve our [online form]( to accepting multiple choices too.)
本次攤位上,我們亦收集到 21 名有意貢獻者的聯絡方式。希望未來在香港能有更多 Mozilla 貢獻者。
Webmaker Workshop 工作坊
Host a Webmaker workshop is one of my main topic in HKOSCon. But the lecture room is under "speak" mode, and not too easy for workshop that it's hard to see how attendees' status. Fortunately that my content is half exercise and half lecture intro.
主講 Webmaker 工作坊,是這次參與 HKOSCon 的主要任務。可惜的是,雖然參加者大多都有攜帶電腦,但是演講形式的座位安排,不太好掌握台下參加者的參與狀況,還是不太適合工作坊。幸好我準備的內容是實作與演講兼具。
This is also my first time to connecting Keynote, iPad (remote control and viewing keynote speaker note), Firefox, iPhone (share internet to mac), Reflector 2 (receive Chrome Cast mirrow from Mi2S), and Mi2S Android phone all together on stage. Perhaps the environment is too complicated thus my Mac hang for twice and it tooks me 5 mins to reboot when in 2/3 of workshop. Too bad that it cost me too much time and I cannot play last video in slide. I'll need to simplified the environment next time.
這也是我第一次同時使用 Keynote、iPad(連動 Keynote 看講者備忘)、Firefox、iPhone(分享網路給 Mac,再作熱點給 iPad 與 Android 手機)、Reflector 2(用於接收 Chrome Cast Mirrow 展示 Android 手機的 Webmaker App)與一台小米 2S Android 手機等六項裝置與軟體,在進行到約 2/3 時,遭遇到電腦當機了兩次,浪費了約五分鐘,讓最後一片短片來不及播放。環境太複雜,下次最好還是精簡一點,避免再次發生。
Here is my workshop slide,
Webmaker + Workshop @HKOSCon 2015
Accommodation 住宿
Our accommodation "Royal Park Hotel" is really really valuable! Locating in central Shatin, 10 mins walk from train station all inside mall (cool and easy for luggage!), half hour metro to downtown, 1 hour Airport bus directly to hotel door. The best is price, 4 star hotel with large room (twice as large as hotel room in Kowloon) equipment with bathtub, the price only about 130 USD per 4pax room per night. (Almost same price to 2pax room.)
這次我們的住宿「帝都酒店」真的非常超值!極力推薦給四人以上一起到香港的朋友。地點位於沙田市中心,沙田車站約只要走十分鐘,全程都是室內商場(又涼又好拉行李)。搭地鐵不用半小時就能進到九龍,且 A41 機場巴士一小時直達飯店門口。最棒的是,四星級飯店,兩間四人房共定七晚,稅前一晚不到一千港幣(跟兩人房價格差不多),而且房間是九龍飯店的兩倍大以上(甚至有浴缸!)